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Honoring Those Who Served

On Tuesday, May 30th SHH Volunteers assisted with retrieval of Flags at the local cemeteries from grave sites of those that served in the US Military. The group gathered more than a hundred flags during the two hour event.

Junior Volunteers Killian Guerra and Dalton Huskamp assisted in the process. Both young men have Father's that are veterans with the US Military. Instructed by David Dickson the young men learned how to recognize what military branch and year that the Soldier being honored had served. They were also given a brief history of why we have Memorial Day by Kimberly Stevenson. Throughout the process of picking up the flags you could hear them call out where their Soldier served and stop to take a moment with them.

It was an honor to not only be able to participate in this process, but to ensure that the next generation of youth understood the importance of what these young men and women had given so that they could live in freedom.


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