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Stronger Together
Welcome to the Seymour Helping Hands Website
Seymour, Texas
Seymour Helping Hands is devoted to developing our community through connecting, uniting, and organizing essential resources for those in need, helping them thrive and the community grow.
Founded in 2021 through the start of a “Do good deeds” Facebook Page, Seymour Helping Hands has grown into a Federally accepted 501c3 dedicated to helping Baylor County residents through family oriented events, distribution of basic need items, and more.
Join us in our efforts to help our community.

Local Initiatives

Community Projects
SHH works to bring projects to Seymour that can assist the community in multiple ways.
The New2U project accepts gently used donated items and then redisperses them to members of the community that may need it. There is no charge for these items and these actions also keep useful items out of landfills helping the environment.
Little Thing Bags are small bags filled with either hygiene items or with diapers and wipes for children. These little bags are meant to help transients or families that may need items for a short period.
SHH has also partnered with the American Red Cross to assist community members to have access to free smoke detectors that are installed in homes. This helps to promote community and educate on fire safety.
G.A.P. (Generating All Possibilities) program promote educational, art, and music programs to the community.
Community Volunteerism
Communities that work together thrive and build foundations that help everyone involved to have a better life. Through volunteering you can assist us in making Seymour an even better place to live.
Volunteers are asked to commit 12 hours a year, that is one hour a month to our programs.
Community Resources
Often times people find themselves in need and no where to turn. There are groups that can help and SHH strives to help you know how to reach them. We have worked to create a resource center to help you find assistance or a guide to getting the help you need.