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2023 in review


2023 has been a year of major growth for Seymour Helping Hands. We have added two new members to our Board of Directors: Tia Sturgis and Dr John Rose. We acquired a physical location (100 S Washington) and with some major renovations we were able to open the doors at the end of November. 

While the main focus for 2023 was the renovations on the SHH Community Center our dedication to the people of Baylor County never wavered. Our volunteers completed over 1900 hours in 2023 which is an amazing factor. Some of the positive ways we impacted those whose lives we touched:

  • We helped over 50 families receive extra food assistance, including delivery of meal boxes to those who could not attend the Church of Christ food pantry to pick theirs up. 

  • On more than 40 occasions people within the community received items such as appliances, furniture, household goods, and clothing. 

  • 20+ people received free lawn care 

  • SHH Volunteers partnered with the American Red Cross to install smoke detectors free of charge to 28 homes. This is an ongoing program so more are expected in 2024. 

  • The 2023 Spring Fling event brought in over 2000 people to our community which helped with the economy. 

  • The SHH Facebook page helped to guide others in their need for information, understanding of what events would be happening in Seymour, promote fundraisers for not only SHH but other groups, and more. 

  • In December 32 children received gifts thanks to our Secret Santa program along with donations and another 14 kids had a chance to meet Santa and receive a gift that day from him. 

  • 116 people attended our soft opening for the Center and learned about what we are planning to bring to Seymour in 2024. 

  • December’s Senior Focus allowed those wanting to enjoy a chance to have a free tour of the City Christmas lights through a bus tour. Often these older community members do not drive at night and would have not had the chance to socialize and enjoy this type of activity. 

  • SHH partnered with a representative of the Affordable Communications Act to assist those in need to be reviewed and qualify for a free tablet or cell phone to help them in communications. 14 people received a communication device that will help with their employment opportunities and safety. 

All this and more was accomplished through the help of just Volunteers working toward the same goal. 

In 2024 our goal is to have a completed building and share in the excitement at our grand opening in May! The SHH Community Center will serve as a Resource Hub for Baylor County. We hope to bring classes such as GED, ESL, and ASL. We want to open our doors to those in need through NA and AA meetings. Classes for all ages from crafting to cooking to music and art will be available.

We have already started a Resource library to help those seeking work or seeking workers. There are also plans in the works for a special genealogy “memory center” that will be connected to the web to allow for assistance in researching personal family histories. The SHH Community Center will be here to serve its community!


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Seymour Helping Hands

PO Box 454

Seymour, Texas 76380





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