Members of Seymour Helping Hands celebrated the opening of their doors to the public on Saturday, December 2nd. The Center was created with the idea to serve as a resource coordination center for the residents of Baylor County. The SHH Community Center houses a small stock of free items to assist those that may need help with basic household necessities, a small food pantry, and a resource center to assist those seeking extended education or in job searches.
The SHH Community Center located at 100 S. Washington across from the Baylor County Courthouse is open each Saturday from 10a-2p with plans to have more extended hours as they move into 2024. The goal of SHH is to hold special events including classes for all ages. The SHH Community Center also accepts new and gently used items that can be dropped off on Saturdays during business hours. SHH takes all item donations and offers them out to the public at no cost.
In January SHH will continue to partner with the American Red Cross to offer sign ups at no cost to the public for free in-home smoke detectors. If you are interested in being placed on the list to receive smoke detectors for your home please stop in and sign up or contact SHH at 940-366-5212. Plans are also in places to continue in partnership to offer First Aid and CPR courses with the Red Cross.
January is also Seymour Helping Hands’ annual volunteer roundup. If you think you or someone you may know would like to volunteer with SHH please encourage them to attend the Volunteer Sign up event on Saturday, January 20th at 1pm at the SHH Community Center.