Seymour Helping Hands is once again working with Texoma Gives to help bring funds in so that we can continue to do things to help support our community. Last year we raised enough to help us put in a basic subfloor as part of our renovations of the old Harvey Hotel.
The Community Center located at 100 S Washington needed a complete top to bottom renovation. With the help of our community and volunteers both local and from all over Texas and Oklahoma we were able to create a place that people in Seymour could gather and share a common goal- to make lives better!
In 2024 we opened our doors and have been able to assist hundreds of people and their families. Our "Let's Eat" Program supplies bread to the community on the 4th Monday of each month from 5-7pm. Donated by the Christian Action Services out of Quanah, Texas we receive up to 50 boxes of bread at a time to give out at no cost to the community. Since March of 2024 we have been blessed to have given out over 2000 loaves of bread. Local farmers have also started bringing eggs to be given out at this time as well.
SHH created a Community Pantry that holds a small food pantry, household items, hygiene items, and diapers for both children and adults. This pantry is supplied through local donations as well as some business donations.
With the fall timeline we will add to our Art and fun classes with a collaboration with Region 9 to allow us to assist with GED classes. We also look forward to promoting jobs with the Texas Workforce Commission and continuing education such as American Sign Language, CNA, and CDL classes and assistance.
By donating to Texoma Gives through online or by stopping in at the center and placing your donation in our donation box you help make these dreams a reality and keep the doors open. No amount is too small and every penny helps us work toward reaching our goal of $2024 in 2024!