Shhhhhh... Santa called and he needs a bit of help! We are looking to help a few families in need this holiday season.
In 2022 we:
Helped 7 families with 15 children have a Christmas gift under the tree
One family received a gift card to help with travel for Cancer treatments
2 Men received work boots
1 person receive a set of new scrubs
4 families received food boxes
12 seniors received hats, gloves, and a card
9 people received warm blankets
1 person received an electric heater
This year we would like to continue this project by working with you to help others. If you or your group would like to participate please let us know and we will sign you up. You will be given a list of needs and you let us know where you can help. Once you have completed the gift we will deliver or let them know when and how to pick up.
If you are interested in participating please let us know no later than Friday, December 15th. Just call or message us (Facebook messenger, or call 940-366-5212) Thank you!