SHH is partnering with P.A.W.S. to promote animal awareness in Seymour during this years annual Photo Contest.
P.A.W.S website:
More about P.A.W.S
They are a completely volunteer run 501 (C)(3) nonprofit organization made up of neighbors and friends who care about the welfare of animals and want to help the cats and dogs in and around Seymour, Texas. Currently, there are no shelter facilities for cats or dogs in Baylor County.
The City of Seymour provides animal control services that include capturing and rehoming stray dogs and relocating stray cats upon request. Any injured or unclaimed animals are unfortunately put down due to the limited resources available. P.A.W.S. aims to provide additional resources for these animals that would otherwise have little chance at life by working with community members and through other partnerships. Specially, P.A.W.S. is working to help curb the massive population of feral cats in Seymour by providing Trap, Neuter/Spay, and Release (TNR services) to residents and getting those kitties vaccinated so as to improve the overall health of the community and feral cats in our town. We are also building a network of foster homes for unwanted or injured animals, getting these animals medical care, organizing pet adoption events, providing cat and dog pet education, facilitating a pet food donation site and emergency pantry, and organizing pet friendly events.
Pictures from this years contest will be published in a 2025 calendar that will have all proceeds from sales going to help the animals!
