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Mid year Review- What have we been up to?

Seymour Helping Hands took a moment this last week to look back at the first half of 2024, and wow what a whirlwind it has been. 

Our Projects have been a huge success!

The “Let’s Eat Project” works to help supplement food such as bread, eggs, and fresh vegetables to those that may need it in our community. Started on March 1st this program has helped 274 families (886 people) to receive 1,107 loaves of bread, 23 dozen eggs, and an unknown number with the vegetables that have been donated from local gardeners. From onions to squash we have had it.  

In May we opened our Household Pantry. While it is smile it is able to assist those that may have needs such as diapers, formula, hygiene items, household cleaners, and shelf staple food goods. Since May we have given out to 7 families (16 people) items to help them with these basic household needs. When someone contacts us for these items we give them a small box to help with the immediate need and then we direct them to the agency or group that can help them long term. 

In June we started a new program called the “Casserole Project”. Our group watches for those that may be struggling with health issues that hospitalize them and we strive to take them a frozen meal that is easy to cook for them once they return home. In June this program helped 2 families (7 people). We hope to continue this program and are always welcoming home made casseroles that can be frozen. If wanting to donate please ensure that you place reheating instructions on the donated item(s). 

The “New2U Program” is going strong. In its second year this program is our main source of community service and helps multiple families a month. Since January 1st we have assisted 173 families with items from spoons and forks to major appliances. Recently, a community member donated AC window units and we have been able to give out 5 so far this year, plus multiple fans. 

Donated items are also often shared with other groups. Base Camp Lindsey assists homeless veterans to find housing and we have sent items such as pots and pans and blankets to help them make their new house a home. Two loads of helpful household items were sent to the Panhandle fire victims, and most recently a load of fabric and sewing items were shared with the Christian Action Services to help them create stockings for children during the holidays. We also have continued with our donation of suitcases, backpacks, and bags to the North Texas Children’s Aid Society to assist youth in foster care to have a bag of their own to travel with. 

How do we do all of this? VOLUNTEERS!!!   We could not do what we do without the wonderful volunteers who make it happen. Since January 1st our volunteers have completed over 1000 hours of community service.  We are always in need of volunteers. We ask that you are willing to give us 12 hours a year. That is one hour a month. Volunteers are needed to do everything from helping with admin tasks, accepting and sorting donations, delivering items, and working events. We want you to help where you feel comfortable and we want it to be fun for you. 

With all this we are still looking forward to the rest of 2024! We are working to help build an inclusive park area here in Seymour. Our Goal is to create an area that is accessible for all. Including:

  • Wheelchair accessible swing(s)

  • Level playing grounds

  • picnic table area

  • interactive play areas

We also have plans for GED classes, continuing education classes, and more! Wish us luck!


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