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Looking back at 2022

Here are some pictures of what our year was like in 2022

March 20, 2022- Seymour folks Krystal Huskamp, Mike Penland Sr and Susan Penland and their son Matthew have been collecting items today for those hurt by the fire in Eastland county. They just stopped by here and picked up a ton of clothing, some canned goods, water and more that was donated. Items were also taken to families effected by the tornado that ripped through Jacksboro.

April 21, 2022 "Pasta with a Purpose" Banquet celebrated our first year as a group.

December- Toy Drive with toys donated to the Seymour Fire department.

May 7, 2022 Spring Fling 2022- This was our first Car Show. We had 42 cars and 41 vendors with over 2000 people attending.

March 12, 2022 Family Fun Day- Over 60 youth and their families converged on the Seymour Park and shared in free hotdogs, kites, balloon animals, face painting and more.

All year long our Volunteers worked at filling the needs of those in our community. From the Food Pantry Box to recognizing our citizens to collecting turkeys and bikes and more......

Can't wait to see what 2023 brings!!


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