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Lawn care Project

Seymour Helping Hands is excited to again offer Lawn care help in 2023. This project has multiple areas where it positively impacts Seymour.

Volunteers- This program is run and completed entirely by our great group of volunteers, mainly our Junior Volunteers (ages 7-17). When Junior Volunteers sign up to help with the Lawn project they are also signed up to complete a program that once they mow, rake, and help clean up 100 yards as a group or 50 as an individual they qualify for a free lawnmower of their own. What a great goal for these kids to work toward.

Community- Seymour has a large community of Seniors and our volunteers work to help them have the care they need to keep their yard beautiful even if they cannot afford to hire someone. We work within the community to help home owners ensure that their yard is clean and well kept. Our main focus is to assist elderly, the disabled, Veterans, and single parent households.

The Goal- Our goal is to help beautify Seymour and remove some of the stress that happens when a person's yard grows beyond their means to care for it.

Our Service- We work to provide a one time clean up of yards to assist those in need. If they are needing continued assistance we work to put them in touch with others to assist in future needs.

Contact- If you know of someone in the Seymour, Texas community that could use our services please encourage them to reach out to us or you can let us know and we will contact them.


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