2024 was an awesome year!
We fed our community!
The Bread Project that ran from March until August helped us to give out 2000+ loaves of bread and bread items.
From January to August we gave out 37 dozen eggs.
In December, thanks to a generous donation from Bayco we handed out 180 lbs of deer meat to 34 families with a total of 94 people.
In October through December we gave out 13 food boxes and 17 other boxes of items from the Community Pantry. This including our "Casserole Program" that donated items to those fighting Cancer and other illnesses so that they would not have to cook after a surgery.
Seymourians donated everything from forks to new window AC units that we gladly handed back out to people in our community. THANK YOU!!
Year to date numbers are in Volunteer Hours completed 1,707.2 Number of families assisted- 602 with a total of 1,395 people
What we do:
Food Programs
New 2U project- donated items
Curb Painting
Smoke Detector Giveaway
Classes- Art, Cupcake decorating, etc
Community Outreach- GED information, Drug Rehab assistance, and more
Senior Socials- Matinee Theatre production visits, Christmas Lights Tour
Partner with other groups such as the Seymour Theatre Group and P.A.W.S.
With everything from Senior Socials that encouraged our seasoned community members to get out and about to our Spring Fling Car show SHH Volunteers stepped up and the people came out. Here are a few pictures of our fun in 2024!