SHH has many volunteer opportunities. One of the biggest factors is that we want to work around your schedule to volunteer. Time frames for volunteer members range from 30 minutes up to several hours depending on what you are willing to give.
Our goal is for all volunteers to give 12 hours a year- that averages out to one hour a month. Seems easy enough?
Projects that we need volunteers for range from researchers and staffing of events and projects to physically challenging events such as the Lawn mower project. What you want to work with is up to you!
All volunteers must sign a volunteer form and are expected to abide by the rules set forth by SHH guidelines.
Treat everyone equally and with mutual respect.
Represent SHH in a positive manner by helping to lift people up and stand beside them.
Understand that people make mistakes and by working together we can overcome any negativity from the past and work toward a brighter future.
Mental and physical misconduct is not allowed and will be dealt with swiftly. No one should feel that they are ever in a situation where mental or physical abuse or misconduct is allowed.
When working with Junior Volunteers two adults must be present with the group at all times.
Junior Volunteers age ranges are 7 up to the day before their 18th birthday. Senior Volunteers are ages 18 and above.
Current programs you can help with:
The Lawn Project- Volunteers work with the elderly, disabled, and Veteran's to ensure that their yards are mowed and cleaned when they may not be able to do so on their own.
Spring Fling- An Annual Car show featuring cars, vendors, an Art Show, and more. This event has a family fun kid zone packed with lots of great stuff including free face painting and balloon animals.
Christmas in July- Yearly Motorcycle Toy Run that allows us to accept donations of toys to be given to the families of Baylor county during the holidays.
The Bicycle Project- When we receive donations of bicycles we work to ensure that they are in good working order then give these out to youth that may not have a bike. This can include repairing, repainting, and more on a bike.
Donation Station- This is when people donate items to SHH and we review the items to ensure that they are in good condition, clean them as needed, and disperse them back into the community.